Republic of South Sudan Upper Nile State
In 2010 we met Dep Tuany and Mark Yeels. Dep and his wife came to the USA as refugees from Southern Sudan during the Islamic genocide there of the 1980s and 1990s. Tragically, Dep’s first born son died from water born pathogens during their escape from Sudan. Dep is a citizen of the USA now and lives in san Diego, CA. Mark Yeels has been a partner with Dep in an endeavor to return to the newly formed independent state of South Sudan to establish a water well (borehole) drilling NGO in the Upper Nile State of South Sudan. Dep has previously worked there as a missionary running a borehole drilling operation with a loaned drilling rig. The rig was returned to drill in the southern region of South Sudan near the capital city of Juba, when South Sudan became an independent state. LifeLift International plans to fund the acquisition of a new drilling rig from India, along with several other support vehicles, supplies and equipment and temporarily store them in Nairobi, Kenya at African Evangelistic Enterprise until we can transport them in convoy to Malakal, the capital city of the Upper Nile State. We then plan to have representation on that borehole drilling NGO board of directors, with Dep overseeing management of operations there.
- Dep Tuany – South Sudan Executive Director
- South Sudanese sovereignty recognized by the USA
- South Sudan
- Borehole drilling
- Borehole site
- Cleanup after work
- Dep with Upper Nile villagers
- Upper Nile villagers
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